Thursday, April 16, 2009


বিদেশ ভ্রমনের জন্য যে জিনিসটি অতীব প্রয়োজনীয় তা হলো পাসপোর্ট, এটি জাতীয় পরিচয়ও বহন করে থাকে। কিন্তু বাংলাদেশের পাসপোর্টের রয়েছে নানারকম সমস্যা। সমস্যাগুলি আলোচনার পূর্বে পাসপোর্ট সম্পর্কে কিছু বলি। The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) পাসপোর্টের ফরমেট, মান, ডাটা কি রকম হবে এগুলি নিয়ন্ত্রনের আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠান।

ধরনঃ বিভিন্ন টাইপের পাসপোর্ট রয়েছে। যেমন: ১। সাধারন পাসপোর্ট, ২। অফিসিয়াল পাসপোর্ট, ৩। কুটনৈতিক পাসপোর্ট সহ আরো নানা রকম পাসপোর্ট।

মানঃ পূর্বেই বলেছি International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) পাসপোর্টের মান নিয়ন্ত্রনের আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠান। পাসপোর্টের কভারে কি থাকবে, কি কি ডাটা থাকবে তা এই প্রতিষ্ঠান নির্ধারন করে।যেমন:
1. The name of the issuing country on a passport cover
2. A national symbol
3. A description of the document (e.g., passport, official passport, diplomatic passport)
4. And, if the passport is biometric, the biometric-passport symbol, etc.

ভাষাঃ ১৯২০ সালে League of Nations এর কনফারেন্সে নির্ধারিত হয় আন্তর্জাতিক পাসপোর্টের ভাষা হবে French, যা ঐতিহাসিকভাবে কূটনৈতিক ভাষা হিসেবে স্বীকৃত এবং এর সাথে অন্য একটি ভাষাও (মাতৃভাষা) থাকবে। কিন্তু এখন ICAO এর মতে পাসপের্টের মূল ভাষা হবে English এবং French, এবং তার সাথে মাতৃভাষাও থাকবে।

বাংলাদেশের পাসপোর্টঃ বাংলাদেশের পাসপোর্টের রয়েছে নানারকম সমস্যা। যেমনঃ
১। প্রথমেই দেখুন জাতীয় পরিচয় বহনকারী কয়েকটি পাসপোর্টের নমুনা!

এখানে প্রফেশন বানান ভুল।

মায়ের নামের পূর্বে miss!
২। প্রফেশনঃ প্রফেশনের ব্যাপারটা খুবই সমস্যাজনক। পাসপোর্ট প্রনয়নের সময় কখনও এটা যাচাই করা হয় না।
৩। উচ্চতাঃ আমার জানামতে কোন পাসপোর্ট অফিসে উচ্চতা মেপে তা যাচাই করা হয় না। যে যেমন লিখে দেয় তা পাসপোর্টে লিখা হয়! বেশির ভাগ সময়েই ১ মি. ৬২-৬৫ সে.মি. এর উচ্চতাই বাংলাদেশের পাসপোর্টে লিখা থাকে। যদিও পাসপোর্টে পরিমাপের একক মি/সে.মি., অনেক পাসপোর্টে দেখেছি ফুট/ইঞ্চি ও আছে! এটা একটা বিরাট সমস্যা।
৪। লেখার ধরনঃ বাংলাদেশের পাসপোর্ট হাতে লেখা হয়। অনেক সময় এই হাতের লেখা কোনভাবেই বুঝা যায় না, যা খুবই সমস্যাজনক।

বলতে পারবেন জন্মস্থানটা কোথায়?
৫। সীলমোহরঃ পাসপোর্ট অফিসকতৃর্ক দেয়া সীল ৫/১০ বছর মেয়াদী পাসপোর্টে অনেক সময় লেপ্টে যায়। এখন কিছু কিছু যায়গায় পাসপোর্ট প্রদানের স্থানও সীল মেরে দেয়া হয়, যা কয়দিন পরেই বুঝা যায় না!

১। এ সমস্যাগুলিসহ আরো যে সমস্যা আছে তা থেকে পরিত্রানের সহজ উপায় হলো যারা পাসপোর্ট প্রনয়ন করেন তাদের সচেতনতা বৃদ্ধি করতে হবে এবং প্রয়োজনীয় ট্রেনিংয়ের ব্যবস্থা করতে হবে। কারণ এটি আমাদের দেশের পরিচয় বহন করে বিদেশে। পাসপোর্টে ভুল থাকা/ ভুল তথ্য থাকা দেশের জন্য লজ্জাজনক।
২। এই সময়ে পৃথিবীর অধিকাংশ দেশেই মেশিন রিডেবল পাসপোর্ট দিয়ে থাকে, যা খুবই আধুনিক এবং নিরাপদ। আমাদের পাশ্ববর্তীদেশ ভারত
পাকিস্তান সহ অধিকাংশ দেশেই মেশিন রিডেবল পাসপোর্ট। আমাদের মেশিন রিডেবল পাসপোর্ট দিতে সমস্যা কোথায়? মেশিন রিডেবল পাসপোর্ট প্রনয়ন করলে উপরোক্ত সমস্যাগুলির বেশির ভাগই সমাধান হয়ে যাবে।

আশাকরি আমাদের বর্তমান ডিজিটাল সরকার বিষয়টি বিবেচনা করে আমাদেরকে ডিজিটাল পাসপোর্ট উপহার দিবেন।

Friday, March 27, 2009

Unicef in Bangladesh


Thursday, March 12, 2009

G-Mail থেকে বাংলায় ই-মেইল এবং চ্যাট করুন

বাংলা আমাদের মাতৃভাষা। এই ভাষা আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষার স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছে। আর এখন আপনি এ ভাষাতেই E-mail/ chat করতে পারছেন।
এরজন্য আপনাকে যা যা করতে হবে: প্রথমে এখানে ক্লিক করুন। তারপর নিচের window তে নির্দেশকৃত জায়গায় ক্লিক করুন।

তারপর আবার নিচের window তে দৃশ্যমান Save file এ ক্লিক করুন্ এবং Location হিসেবে Desktop সিলেক্ট করুন।

এরপর Desktop এ নিচের window তে নির্দেশকৃত File এর মত একটি আইকন দেখা যাবে সেটাতে ক্লিক করুন।

Run এ ক্লিক করুন।

এরপর Desktop এ Avro Keyboard নামে একটি Folder আসবে সেটাতে ক্লিক করুন। দেখবেন নিচের Window এর মত একটি window আসবে, সেখান থেকে নির্দেশকৃত Avro Keyboard এ ক্লিক করুন।

এরপর Next এ ক্লিক করুন।আবার Next এ ক্লিক করুন।আবারNext এ ক্লিক করুন।আবার Next এ ক্লিক করুন। মনে রাখবেন Next চারবার।এরপর Finish এ ক্লিক করুন। আপনার কাজ মোটামুটি শেষ। এবার G-Mail ওপেন করুন। Compose/Chat শুরু করুন, তবে শুরু করার আগে আপনাকে একটা কাজ করতে হবে, তা হলো Keyboard থেকে "F12" key চাপতে হবে(এতে আপনার Keyboard পরিবর্তন হবে, অর্থাৎ ইংরেজী থেকে বাংলা হবে)। এখন আপনি কোন Keyboard ব্যবহার করবেন তা নির্ধারন করতে হবে। Desktop এর উপরে দেখবেন একটা Bar আসবে, নিচের Window তে নির্দেশকৃত ১এখানে ক্লিক করুন, সেখান থেকে আপনার পছন্দের keyboard সিলেক্ট করুন। আর আপনি যদি পূর্বে Bijoy ব্যবহার করে থাকেন, তবে ২Unijoy সিলেক্ট করুন। এরপর আপনি Compose/ Chat শুরু করুন। (আর অক্ষর খুজে বের করতে কষ্ট হলে Desktop এর উপরের Bar থেকে Mouse/Keyboard click করুন, দেখবেন পেয়ে গেছেন আপনার বাংলা বর্নমালা।

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inspirational Quote

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the
same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller,
Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci,
Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

-- H. Jackson Brown

Monday, January 12, 2009

History of Islam in Bangladesh


Islam arrived in this land in the same process as the land itself has been formed - in a conituous process of accumulation of silts. Islam was preached by generation after generation before the establishement of Muslim rule through a period of six centuries. As a result, a favoiurable place for Islam along with basic knowlegde about it was created in the hearts of the people. If formed an excellent psychological base that kept the inhabitants of this area firm upon Islam neglecting all sorts of obstacles, attacks and conspiracies.

Islam entered Bangladesh through the following three ways:

1. The Chittagong port was one of the major ports for entering the eastern region including China, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Many merchants used to anchor at the Chittagong port and go to China using land roads. The Arab merchants had been using this port since pre-Islamic period and continued to do so after they embraced Islam. They used to preach Islam along with their business activities. Islam began to spread from that time.

2. King Cherumol Perumol of Tamilnadu coastal kingdom Malabar embraced Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet Mohammad (PUH). As a result that area turned into a centre for preaching Islam. Preachers used to come to Bangladesh from that region.

3. After the conquest of Sindh by Muhammad Bin Kashem, many preachers used to come from the Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey on their feet to preach Islam here.

The silent preaching of Islam that went for more than six centuries remained hidden due to lack of historical evidences. Modern researcher are finding evidences are being found from the books written by Arab Muslim historians, geographers and Muhaddises. For example, it is proven from the narratives of Muhaddis Imam Abadna Marwazi that a group of Sahabis including Abu Oakkas Ibn Ohaib came to Chittagong in the year 618. The narratives of many Arab geograpics of eleventh century including Abul Kasem Obaidullah Ibd Khurdadbih, Al Idrisi, Al Masudi, Yaqub Ibn Abdullah mention the business relations and settlement of Arab merchants in Chittagong seaport, Chandpur river port, Ramu, Coxesbazar etc. These are verified by recently discovered archaeological evidences. A gold coin of the period of Harun-ur-Rashid (788) was found in Paharpur, Rajshahi another set of coins of Abbasia period were found in Moinamoti, Comilla. An ancient Masjid that was built in the seventh century (689 BC, 69 Hizri) has been discovered recently in Lalmonirhat district.

The folk stories and songs provide substantial hints about many Islam preachers and saints. There are signs of their tombs and Dargahs. We find many mosques built by them. These indicate that Islam had been spreading in Bangladesh for six centuries before the Muslims conquered Bengal. The repressed anti-Aryan people of Bengal began to adore Islam from that time.

The conquest of Bengal started in 1204. Islam began to receive patronisation from the rulers. The barriers for the people of this region for embracing Islam was removed. As a result they began to enter into Islam in large numbers. Islam did not come here with the help of swords, rather the people of Bangladesh embraced it through love and profound understanding.

Before Conquest of Bengal:

People of this land were familiar with Islam before the conquest of Bengal. Arab merchants had links with Chittagong port since pre-Islamic period. It has been proven in recent studies that a group of Sahabis including Abu Oakkas Malik, Quyes Ibn Sairadi, Tameem Ansary, Urrah Ibn Assasa, Abu Quyes Ibn Harisa came to Chittagong in 618 during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (PUB). They preached Islam there for few years and then went to China.

The following Sahabis came to Bangladesh through Chittagong seaport after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PUB):
- Abdullah Ibn Utban
- Assem Ibn Amr Tameemi
- Sahel Ibn Abdi
- Suhael Ibn Adi
- Hakim Ibn Abeel Assaqafi

Later five delegations of the Tabeyees including a group of Muhammad Mamun and Muhammad Mohaimen came here to preach Islam.

In 712 Muhammad Bin Kasem conquered Sindh. It paved the way for Muslims to come to Bengal.

In 778 a group of Muslims fell into a storm in the Bay of Bengal. They were taken to the King of Arakan Ma-ba-toing. The king became very pleased with them due to their behaviour and intellects. He gave them several villages to settle. As a result, an Islamic society was developed in the course of time.

During 866 to 874, the famous saint of Iran Baezid Bostami preached Islam in Chittagong. Although most of the historians say that he returned to his homeland, many people believe that he died and was buried in Chittagong. His shrine is still in Chittagong.

In 954, the Muslims of Arakan became so powerful that they established Muslim rule in a part of Chittagong. King San-da-ya could not tolerate the Muslim rule and defeated them.

In 1053, Shah Muhammad Sultan Balkhi reached Harirumpur of Manikgonj through river way. He later established an Islam preaching centre around Mohastangar of Bogra. He established mosques and Islamic schools. During this time, he had to fight with King Parshuram of Mohastangar. The king was killed in the battle. Later the Army Chief Surkhab and captive princes Ratna Moni embraced Islam. Shah Muhammad Sultan Balkhi arranged their marriage and nominated Surkhab as the new king.

In 1053, Shah Muhammad Sultan Rumi came to Netrokona with a group of preachers. He invited the king of Madanpur for embracing Islam. The king refused first but accepted the invitation later and entered into Islam.

In 1179, Baba Shah Adam came to Bikrampur with a group of preacher to preach Islam there. Later he was martyred in a battle with king Ballal Sen.

In 1184, Shah Makhdum Ruposh came to Rajshahi as the first Islam preacher there. He was one of the preachers who built the base of Islam in Bangladesh in a completely hostile environment. He turned Rajshahi into an Islamic locality. His activities were centred around Rampur and Boalia.

Islam as Victor in Various Places:

It took two centuries to establish complete Muslim rule in Bengal. Muslim rule started from Rajshahi and completed in Khulna by Khan Jahan Ali.

1. North Bengal (Nadia, Gaur, Rangpur, Dinajpur: 1204)

After Delhi and Bihar was conquered by Muslims, King Lakxan Sen of Bengal anticipated Muslim attacks there. He was afraid that a Muslim battalion would suddenly attack him to free the people of this region from his oppression. Moreover, the astrologists told him that he would be defeated by the victor of Bihar, Bakhtier Khilji. As a result he employed strong guard in all conventional entrances of his temporary capital Nadia. However, in 1204, Bakhtier Khilji entered Nadia in a completely unconventional and difficult way and attacked the palace with a battalion of only 18 advanced soldiers. Lakxan Sen thought that the capital had fallen and escaped through the backdoor. It was the starting of Muslim rule in Bengal. Bakhtier Khalji conquered the whole North Bengal including Gaur, Bogra, Rangpur and Dinajpur.

2. Eastern-Southern Area (Sonargaon, Dhaka, Faridpur, Mymensingh, Barishal: 1274-1290):

Sultan Mugisuddin Tugril of Lakhnauti became active to establish Muslim rule in entire Bengal. He defeated the last Sen king Madhu Sen and brought Eastern Bengal under Muslim rule. As a result Sonargaon, Dhaka and Faridpur came under Islam. He build a fort at a place called Larikal 25 miles south to Dhaka and named it 'Killa-e-Turgil'. Bughra Khan was appointed ruler of Bengal in 1281. He ruled Bengal until 1290. Meanwhile, he brought Mymensingh and Barishal under Muslim Rule.

3. Sylhet (1303):

Sylhet was being ruled by a tyrant king named Gaur Gavinda. In 1301, Sultan Shamsuddin Feroz Shah sent forces against him twice in the commands of his Army Chief Sekander Gazi. It failed. He sent a group of soldiers again in 1303 in the leadership of Sayed Nasiruddin. Sekander Gazi too fought against Gaur Gavinda in this battle. Famous saint Shah Jalal assisted the force with his 313 companions. Gaur Gavinda escaped after being defeated. Shah Jalal stayed in Sylhet till his death in 1446 and preached and established Islam there.

4. Chittagong (1340):

Although Islam reached Chittagong much earlier, it took time to establish Muslim rule there. Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah was thorn in Soanargaon in 1338 and extended the area of his rule to southeast. During that period Ali Qadar Khan, Ali Mubarak Khan and Shamsuddin Mubarak Shah were in power in North Bengal. Fahkruddin Mubarak Shah brought Chittgaong under Muslim rule for the first time in 1340 and built a road from Chandpur to Chittagong.

5. Khulna Division (1418-1449):

Khan Jahan Ali played a remarkable role in preaching and establishing Islam throughout Khulna Division. Few Hindu Zaminders were ruling a small portion of the area and the remaining vast land was occupied by jungle. Khan Jahan Ali was engaged in building habitants, preaching Islam among non-Muslims and carrying out humanitarian activities. He built 360 mosques, dug 360 ponds for drinking water and constructed numerous pukka roads. He started building mosques, digging ponds and constructing roads from Barabazar of Jhenidah and reached Bagerhat. There he settled and build famous Shat Gambuj (Sixty Domes) Mosque. He established Quranic rule there in the name 'Khalifatabad' meaning the place of God's representatives.

Ref: Internet

Saturday, January 10, 2009

History & Geography of "Noakhali"


Noakhali District is located in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh. It has a land area of 3600.99 km², and is bounded by the Comilla district in the north, the Meghna estuary and the Bay of Bengal in the south, Feni and Chittagong districts in the east, Lakshmipur and the Bhola districts in the west.
The district's annual average temperature ranges from a maximum of 34.3 °C to a minimum of 14.4 °C; it's annual rainfall is 3302 mm. Its main rivers are the Bamni and Meghna.


Noakhali district, whose earlier name was Bhulua, was established in 1821. It consists of 9 upazilas, 5 municipalities, 45 wards, 90 mahallas, 83 union parishads, 909 mouzas and 978 villages. The upazilas are Noakhali Sadar, Subarna Char, Kabirhat, Begumganj, Chatkhil, Companiganj, Hatiya, Sonaimuri, and Senbagh; the municipalities are Chawmuhani, Bashurhat, Chatkhil,Kabir Hat, Maizdee.


Towns in Noakhali include the following.

Maijdee court

Maijdee Court consists of 9 wards and 36 mahallas, and has a land area of 12.61 km². The town has a population of 74585 (male 51.50%, female 48.50%) with a population density of 5915 km²; its literacy rate is 60.7%. The ancient name of Noakhali Sadar was Sudharam.
In 1948, when the upazila headquarters were destroyed by the erosion of the Meghna River, it was shifted 8 km to the north to its present place at Maijdee.


Sonapur is one of the handful of towns in Bangladesh with a significant population of Catholics most of them are sect of Portuguese sncestor.


Chumohani is another busy town of, which is very popular for the printing and book businesses.


Bashurhat is a rapidly growing town in Companygonj Upazila most of its inhabitants are foreign workers working in the United States, UK and the Middle East most of all these pepoles are from Bamni.

Chaprashir Hat

This small town, situated presently in Kabirhat Upazila, southern Noakhali, is famous for coastal products and is very important centre for coastal trade.


The ancient name of Noakhali is Bhulua. In the 1660s, the agricultural activities of the north-eastern region of Bhulua were seriously affected by floodwater of the Dakatia River flowing from the Tripura hills. To salvage the situation, a canal was dug in 1660 that ran from the Dakatia through Ramganj, Sonaimudi and Chaumuhani to divert water flow to the junction of the rivers Meghna and Feni. After excavating this long canal, Bhulua was renamed "Noakhali" after "Noa" (new) and "khal" (canal) in 1668. The Noakhali district was created in 1821. It originally consisted of two sub-divisions, Noakhali Sadar and Feni. In 1984, Noakhali was split into three districts, Noakhali, Feni and Lakshmipur.
The people of Noakhali actively took part in the Khilafat Movement in 1920.
Since 1790, Noakhali district was seriously affected many times by natural disasters including high tidal bores, tornadoes, flooding, and cyclones. In 1970, a devastating tornado and tidal bore took the lives of about 3 lakh people of the district. During the War of Liberation many direct and guerilla encounters were held between the Pakistan army and the independence fighters. About 70 independence fighters were killed in a direct encounter with the Pakistan army on 15 June 1971, in front of the Sonapur Ahmadia School. Noakhali was liberated on 7 December 1971.

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Inspirational Quote

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"You were born an original. Don't die a copy."

-- John Mason